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Google Ads API Version 13.1: New Features and Benefits

Google Ads API

Google Ads API is a powerful tool that allows advertisers to programmatically manage their Google Ads accounts. With the release of Google Ads API Version 13.1, advertisers can now take advantage of several new features and improvements that make managing their campaigns even easier and more efficient.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the new features and benefits of Google Ads API Version 13.1, including:

Enhanced conversions

Google Ad API Version 13.1 introduces enhanced conversions, which is a new type of conversion tracking that provides advertisers with more accurate and detailed conversion data. With enhanced conversions, advertisers can track a wider range of actions on their website, such as button clicks, downloads, and video views, and get more precise information about the time and context of each conversion.

Audience expansion

Another new feature of Google Ad API Version 13.1 is audience expansion, which allows advertisers to automatically expand their audience targeting to include similar audiences. With audience expansion, advertisers can reach a larger pool of potential customers who share similar interests and behaviors as their current audience, without having to manually create and manage separate targeting criteria.

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Smart bidding improvements

Google Ads API Version 13.1 also includes several improvements to smart bidding, which is a machine learning-powered bidding strategy that automatically adjusts bids to optimize for conversions. With the latest updates, smart bidding can now take into account more signals, such as seasonality and user location, to make more accurate bidding decisions.

Multi-account support

For agencies and advertisers with multiple Google Ad accounts, Google Ads API Version 13.1 introduces a new feature called multi-account support. This feature allows advertisers to manage multiple accounts using a single API client, making it easier to streamline workflows and reduce the time and effort required to manage multiple campaigns.

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Other improvements

In addition to the above features, Google Ads API Version 13.1 also includes several other improvements and updates, such as enhanced feed management, support for new ad formats, and more detailed reporting capabilities.

Google Ad API Version 13.1 introduces several new features and improvements that can help advertisers optimize their campaigns and achieve better results. Whether you’re looking to expand your audience, track more accurate conversions, or streamline your campaign management, Google Ads API Version 13.1 has something for everyone. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start exploring the latest version of the Google Ad API and take advantage of its powerful capabilities.

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